
Never Miss A Dose Again!

With a 21 Module Smart Design, the Pillmeister Pillbox is your friendly round-the-clock assistant for managing all your medication!

Pill Box

Easy to Use. Portable. Safe.

Extremely easy to carry and made in the most compact form, the Pillmeister Pillbox is made of medicine grade material that makes it 100% safe and easy to use by the elderly.

Pill Box Sleek


App On Iphone


Get notified about consumed doses as well as missed doses.

Medication Tracking

Keep a comprehensive record of your medication intake effortlessly. The Smart Pill Box logs each dose you take, presented in the form of charts allowing you to monitor your adherence to the prescribed regimen and share the data with your healthcare provider if needed.



App On Iphone


Keep a comprehensive record of your medication intake effortlessly. The Smart Pill Box logs each dose you take, presented in the form of charts allowing you to monitor your adherence to the prescribed regimen and share the data with your healthcare provider if needed.

Pill Box Lights

Audio-Visual Alerts.

We understand that sometimes, either one alone, is not enough.

Pill Box Sound

Rechargeable via USB-C

Pill Box Charge

5 Days With Full Charge...

Enabled with a Power-saving mode, the pillbox is rechargeable via a USB-C cord and has optimised battery life for user benefit.

Seamlessly Integrated
With the Pillmeister App

App On Iphone

Seamlessly Integrated
With the Pillmeister App

Track all your medicines and ensure that no dosage is missed by setting up your pill-box with the Pillmeister App.

Highly portable &

3 X 3 X 3

Add up to



Designed for Travel

Get alerts before

and after food

Calendar based settings


Why is the IoT Pill Box important?

Data-driven insights play a crucial role in managing medication regimens effectively for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals

Personalized Treatment

Data-driven insights provide a deeper understanding of a patient's medication adherence patterns, allowing for personalized treatment plans. By analyzing medication data, healthcare professionals can identify trends, factors influencing adherence, and potential barriers. This information enables them to tailor medication regimens to suit individual patient needs, improving treatment outcomes.

Adherence Monitoring and Intervention

Data-driven insights help identify instances of non-adherence and allow for timely intervention. By tracking medication adherence, caregivers and healthcare professionals can identify when doses are missed or not taken as prescribed. They can then provide support and reminders to help patients stay on track.

Take A Step Towards Revolutionising Medication Management.